Monday, September 28, 2015

Ultimate Irony From The Bible Belt--My Muslim Brothers Are More Christ-Like Than The Ones Who Actually Attend Church?

      Identified Dark Ninjas that have just further jeopardized & wasted my time and life, consciousness & enlightenment everywhere, & the sanity & credibility of the Midwest as anything good it used to be--

Chung, Owner of Asian King Buffet in Dubuque, who, given the already-experienced events below, suggests V.I.P. guest'ing from:

Stanislav Gudyma's
Dennis Hanson's...

which led to another bad suggestion that ended in the breach of a yogic study contract & horror by Tim Manning, all of Dubuque.

Complete details to follow.

      Something marked, however, happened during this period. Well, many things, but the most important is something that was actually started by my former employer, Kababesh Grill & Bar (Overland Park, KS), and my old chef friend there, Zubair. It's called "realize & repent"--a necessity to the process of real forgiveness. Meaning there was admission, genuine regret, expressed apology, expressed UNACCEPTABILITY OF THE SAME WRONGS/DEAL-BREAKING MISTAKES moving forward, & offering of new, mutually benefiting ties.
      THAT, my friends, is the Kansas City I used to know, the kind of class, dignity, polish, & everything-ness this world is currently missing, & the missing link in the practices of self-identified Christians everywhere--Roman Catholics in Dubuqueland probably the worst. A teaching example of how to be more like Christ from a Muslim, Pakistani-run establishment. As I've always said, enlightenment & ultimate intelligence speaks in tongues. Not just to the human heart--the soul. Of this country and any one that will ever exist.
      REPENT before God & your fellow man, who is the manifestation of Source, to the extent that he/she will be.