Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Drishti Of The Day Archived Today:

"In the advanced study of bigotry, of any kind, hopefully to eviscerate it, perceiving, understanding, and becoming excellent in all things, from microcosm, to systemic, would be a fair way of explaining evolution, however, the infinite, upward spiral alluded to in this Yoga, and so many other forms of Religion, or Spirituality, even Consciousness, in terms of becoming more Enlightened, one way or another, has brought me, lately, to the conclusion that there is no 'systemic' anything bad. There are just people. In fact, I hesitate to say that I used to be adept at comprehending other people's postulating, takes, and have-at-it's, but it's perhaps as remarkable as it is Nightmarish, to have been so adeptly studying it on the go, so to speak, from within all systems, and able to see in all directions of dimension, no matter where I was physically situated in the matter, that I feel the more accurate depiction of systemic bigotry, based on any demographic, is a spirit that is omnipresent as God, but it is not that Power, for only those with low-ranking, Dark receptors pick it up, their thoughts, words, actions becoming unwitting, or bent-willed, soldiers to its plans. The Unnatural, the Impure has become their lifestyle, in some way(s), and the criminality of -ism meted out is simply another effect of this cause. That bigotry, for some, might be the original Impurity itself." -The Jin.