Thursday, July 30, 2020
From One Of The Midwest's First Asians. I'd Confirm That With An Asian Who's Been Here At Least As Long, But Sometimes I Don't See One For Years.
One of the things that tickled me the most about Business Writing--Formal course name approximate--at DePaul was an articulate rant, by my Prof, about tired, cliched writing and speech. I decided against Race Relations, as what many people would've almost expected to be a natural fit, as an academic pursuit, in my undergraduate work, for a number of what I still deem solid reasons, even today, but as someone who's been called an "Original," in this and in life, in general, I want to impart on those wanting to learn that you sharpen the tools in your toolkit, in Diversity acuity, through study. If you're fortunate to have a degree to pursue, a choice to make about it, and the way to make that real, that's one way to accomplish that. Pick apart the protected classes, to start, and put your ego aside, relegated to Truth-seeking. Study history and multiple perspectives of the same facts in linear time. Take the time to open your mind, if you're fortunate enough to access the best of all learning environments--a classroom with a class and a prof, to listen to everyone's weigh-in, freak-outs, and brilliant and not-so-brilliant questions and answers. Knowledge is power, but Consciousness is King.
Then, I'm going to tell you what some of the "powerful talking heads" don't want to hear. Put your boots on.
Everyone wants to be an activist, since the time I actually was one but didn't care to be called that--a default, natural Leader...a chosen Leader, at times. A token who turned out to be "the real deal" by Design, to some people's chagrin and running, and to most people's amazement and belief in what used to be the magical evolution of the U.S. of A. That's when everything wasn't an extreme version of some bad stereotype of American citizens come true. And when "You become what you condemn" hadn't fully descended upon and made manifest, pervasively, throughout the White majority and all of its poor, sorry, ill-supported "minorities" either selling out to, mimicking, or by sheer good fortune or genes, leading or getting what they wanted out of the White majority, on request, because they, frankly, didn't do anything wrong, did everything right, and had, or did things, their White counterparts, likely best friend(s), boy/girl(friend) did, or could, not.
If I hear one more person say "moment," "unprecedented," "folks," "ally," not specifically talking about nations who would defend us in wartime, and vice versa, I'm happily outta this popcorn stand as soon as this virus clears.
The only way this country is going to change is if people in this country get tough as f**king hell. I'm going to say it like that, in spite of my general dismissal of foul-mouthedness over an extended period of time, because my general observation, now having seen all I want, or need, to see about the true nature of what's going on in this country, is we're at a point I long knew was inevitable, and, unfortunately, I'm right about a lot of things being completely lacking or missing altogether, and a huge part of that is reality. That's why everyone here is nuts. And the people who aren't and can cut throught the Maya, are likely of the enlightened ilk that has disallowed their willful participation in an entire country run on defense mechanisms, suppression, repression, abuse, self-absorption, and greed, bigoted genocide, and general hideousness of character, including, but not limited to, lying and manipulation as a means of primary communication, predatory everything, insecurity/self-esteem issues as a baseline, and lowering the standards of entry and beauty because the society starts to see the impacts of the aforementioned on both systems and people's appearances, so all aspirational people and their attributes start literally getting torn down so all the ugly, fat, sub-par people can be "happy," even though they're not. And that's the point. Unless they are. In which case they're not complaining about the standard to begin with because they're too busy being beautiful and happy, no matter what their face or their a** looks like.
It's crossed my mind that if we don't work to eliminate war on the planet, in this century, we should follow the wisdom of nations like South Korea or, from what I was told by one of my Power Yoga practitioners who came from there, Israel, all U.S. citizens, maybe should take a turn serving a requisite amount of time in one of the Armed Forces. I'll add to that, as an idea long before all the ish hit the fan about Policing, some time in Law Enforcement. If you literally can't even say you'd make it through Basic Training for the latter, especially, to protect or defend all of us, SHUT. THE. F**K. UP. I mean that. The infinite Listener is finally stopping you right there.
I'm questioning how I'm seeing Congress members with a spouse who was, at some point recently, a jail bird. I'm pondering how a generation that raised their kids on "Just Say 'No'" is now so pathetic, weak, and/or pedophilic, in an entire country that's generally sexually sick and ignoble like that, or so far in one direction they're literally cheering on criminals serving no time for their crimes because they're personally deciding there should be no punishment for anything since the criminals all had terrible upbringings in a sub-culture that f**ks and abandons and/or traumatizes their own progeny because they're genetically high-quality like that. Makes total sense (W. T. F.).
And now they've got stupid Whites, Asians, and whomevers pulled into the Drug Game/Poverty/I-Had-A-F'd-Up-Childhood-,-Too illegitimate, mixed-children-no-one-really-cares-about-or-you'd-be-a-stand-up-parent-who-got-married-first-and-maybe-learn-about-childhood-development. As a really sick, off way of fixing the Race problem, for one. Wrong answer. As The United States of America gone bad, more like it. There's no Consciousness. And certainly no Love--in some of the most obvious, fundamental things that should. For everybody.
When I was growing up, there were people who chose to interracially date/mix, and in places like the Tri-State Area here, or even the State of Iowa, it was so rare, and it was so clear they both might be persecuted--harshly--for it, that it was almost like a rare, tension-filled, high-powered event that everybody watched, whether they wanted to or not. In the many years that have passed, and I bloomed, I'll say, to clarify my evolved stance on this, within the past 10 years, that at least back then, NO ONE, or far fewer would've dared do so without what--Consciousness. And Love. And, in that way, some of these couples were literally applauded and revered by the kids, the "woke (Cliche word)" peops back then, as almost like American heroes. They put their whole selves both in and out there. Clearly.
And you want ME to TEACH or defend you OR your lost-as-you-possibly-could-be, trash-talkin' "little s**ts?" F**K NO. I mean, you tell me. It's clearly evidenced you have no interest in learning.
And what does a soulless country, with all its arrows off the mark, do, when you add in Technology and devices, after 2000? Watch. The standards come down. YOUR being beautiful, your being "perfect" is now a threat to not just people's general happiness but their literal LIVES because they're totally all there, in the first place, and well connected to their healthy family, with parents who're awake enough to actually love one another and raise strong, healthy children, physically, mentally, and spiritually. DEFINITELY. Meet Instagram and soccer moms taking off their clothes in their Computer Rooms, during the last Recession, or stripping to go to Harvard to see what the bottom lines REALLY are in this country. Hating on Asian girls who are to blame, then, for their self-loathing, versus the fact that they're actually the whores, from inside out, because the Asian girls actually just get straight A's while they're at Harvard, and are naturally beautiful and lacking the general weakness and impurity of character exhibited by their White, female aggressors. As with anything in my classes, if it doesn't apply, let it be cuz for the woman with the karma for it on the mat next to you, here's the mirror.
Rather than a Race War, maybe we should create a Council at City, State, and Federal level. Based on Race. Yeah, I said it. Every Race should be thoroughly vetted, including statistics on who's who, including what percentage of your Race has committed a crime, what percentage has committed multiple!, and the categories of those crimes. For ALL of us to see. If there's a way to track who's reporting, and NOT, because they're ACTUALLY all participating or complicit, skewing those statistics for all of us, we should all know that. And then we vote, based on the Races of Man, on everything. This would drive Races to handle their own s**t and either look like a s**t show, for REAL, in front of all of us, or get their s**t figured out and start improving from the inside out, recognizing their true leaders, natures, roles, etc.
Honestly, your saying you're going to make the Vice President, or a Supreme Court Justice, e.g. BLACK, which used to be a BAD WORD in Diversity work, and not even that long ago--Interesting--makes me sick for us all. So what you're SAYING is that White people know they're getting out-populated, they give up on, either in racism, or general defeat, hoping their "great nation" isn't turning into a s**t show because of their former slaves, e.g., run wild, so you start going against more of the rules that bind us, which is literally giving away the farm, based on Race, like that isn't just as indicative of your general fallibility and inability to hit the self-correction bull's eye. Since you got here. And how bad is that on the African-American community to even consider accepting when you've been claiming to know better all along, to participate in that bullshit or take the bait of--It's the same racism because you "can't earn anything because you're inferior, lazy, stupid, yaddahyaddahyaddah, RIGHT?!," instead of point out it should be the Best of the Best, period. I mean, you're above the shit they do to you, right? Honestly, I've stopped being sure.
Asians, from their weird a** perch they've made me part-someone they Hiroshima/Nagasaki'd/bombed the F**K out of the Korean Peninsula, killing millions of our precioius people, during the GOD DAMNED WAR, then basically walked away and scratched their a**es about it, focusing, as always, on THEMSELVES about it, never actually helping make peace there to help make Korea Korea, or finish the damned thing--Honestly, you don't ever want these people to do surgery on anyone--part-chattel Cabbage Patch Doll, part-rescued baby from, I'm connecting through the resources I have available to me, and like the rest of my life, am watching you not know what the hell you're doing, and run from engaging me, as if my e-mail's instruction for the rest of your life, or a rhetorical question that requires no response, like either I'm not real, or you're not, if you just think it so. I know some of you speak English. I'm being told by, e.g., my Thai, Taiwanese guy friends I'd "hate" my own people's men cuz they're "assholes," that you'd be scared of me because I'm more like, it's insinuated, a powerful White woman, maybe even a man--LOL--or worse, the Ascended Master extraterrestrial that seems more reflective a truth, based on my experiences. Anyway, welcome to The United States of America. They consider us one lump over here. I learned not even that long of a time ago part of the hold-up, via deduction, is that the Asian Diaspora is so ancient, proud, strong, and clear, that you/we consider yourselves/ourselves separate Races of Men, not nationalities. Which explains why a consummate Asian-American kid with natural leadership ability, leading all kids, or other people, other than Asians, is STILL looking around like, "Where the hell ARE they?!!!" "They're pu*sies." "They're small/shy/quiet." "There aren't any." Honestly, we're also smart and fast as light, so let's get off the decades-late situation and find a unified way to promote Asian heritage and Asian pride. I'm so sick of you trying to suck everybody's. Yeah, I said it. I've never done that. Actually, it's been the other way around, for me, and you can only get that from people, universally, when you're always right, and you'd never hurt them. And you make them Great, not play the karma game with them. Quit apologizing or being the first, for instance, magazine to fail to blast the perpetrators of Asian racism on your cover and, since the pendulum might be swinging over to the descendants of slaves run amok, centuries pissed--Honestly, it'd take White people THREE DAYS to get that collectively nucking futs--start talking "Yellow Peril For Black Lives" s**t if they're beating up Chinese-American Grandma over COVID-19 straight up RACISM, while spreading in their 'hood Blacks can't get COVID (I mean, their genes are, OBVIOUSLY superior, physically, to everyone's, ESPECIALLY the sickly little yellow people like, e.g. Bruce Lee). OOPS! Now, they're all trying to play violins over all their people dying off! Wrong answer! LOL--No one playing violins in either direction--Black OR White--even the Filipino, Thai, Korean, Chinese, or lump Asian (epithet) wants to call THAT s**t on the rug. Let's just blame the President! And then psycho-analyze his being f'd in the head, due to an abusive, German-American upbringing, like that's going to help, all without Ph.D.'s, much less in Psych. Last time I heard, this country has a 9th Grade, collective I.Q. level. Like I said, SHUT. THE F**K. UP.
I'm going to tell you something. I was one of the first PEOPLE, much less youths, in this all-White, "most racist City in the United States," likely the "first" minority/human of Asian descent to do a lot of s**t around here. Which is likely why I've been exiled everywhere in this country because they're like, "S**T. Anytime we let her do anything here, either in actuality or because of that, she's going to set a record here, and we can't let that happen--more." Then, they'll turn and stare at me, during this Pandemic, half-guilty, half-stuck because they can also see, e.g., I could be their Doctor. And the story hasn't changed, but I've run into more racism and bullying by African-Americans, both as a child, and in very grown-up, what just turns into pure evil, contexts, as an adult. While simultaneously being slotted, by everyone, as "urban," "Black(-leaning!)," "one of them," etc. my entire life...because no one had to tell me Black Lives Matter. I came onto the planet crying when they did. "Sympathetic to." "Defends and protects them." Take her down. Same with Hispanics, even, most recently, Native Americans. Allies, what? RECIPROCATE. Is it game off because I had to bother saying it, to those too f**king weak to already be hut hut about it. It's not a question. And there are countless of those instantly cool, but that SHOULD be the given. We all need Allies. So don't take your best, most objectively effective ones and literally almost die trying to make them enemies...but it's all on everyone BUT you, right? "Everyone hates Black people." WRONG. We hate what you DO, which then becomes WHAT YOU ARE to us. Which is a kind of people to have nothing to do with. Oh my God you're back at Square 1, but now you did it to yourselves. You decide. Or have you, already?
If the White Race is really leading or teaching, much less "Superior," in any way, explain how, or why, it's actually been me, who, for years, has simply put two and two together, in times of necessity, or when I feel I must, that I have never seen anyone get--Not Black, not White, not the Tribes, not the "superior," enlightened Asians--No one--that, by definition, if you're "SUPERIOR," you'd be so f**king ginormous, both heart and soul-wise, you wouldn't be able to just take care of your Race, or Religion, much less just your own spouse, kids, and your iPhones, because you'd NATURALLY SEE AND OWN THE WHOLE PICTURE OF THE HUMAN FAMILY. You'd need the garage, the skyscraper, the better part of the city block, and likely the whole planet. And the definition of the "Superior ______ Race" would be everyone's cheering and jumping up and down because, by God, even the racist White people stopped being racist and actually had to admit they liked you as the Mommy, or Daddy, way better. Oh my God, everyone's HEALTHIER. And can see other people more clearly. And God's Races of Man ARE actually all very diverse, within themselves, and they are all amazing and beautiful as they are human and potentially erring, depending on their level of personal advancement, via natural talent and/or destiny or hard work on it on this planet. And wow--I can be free to stand up for Justice, with you people in the lead. And we actually all WANT to immediately correct to make it better for everyone. Now, we're all actually HAPPY the only way--the REAL way! And we didn't all have to mix ourselves into an oblivion or overdose together to do it!!!
Chuck your stupid "America's Got Talent," all the international copycats, "American Ninja Warrior," "The Voice," dog ears on your head--Yeah, you are your dog, at this point, and idol/celebrity worship when, honestly, they were f**king dorks as far back as high school, and f**king work on THAT. I can't imagine what might naturally result, in terms of general suicide and soldiers coming home, offing themselves, because we actually got to the point, while they were gone...if anyone's even needed for war, period, after that, and we've not only ensured it's actually a country worth dying for, but now we're working on World Peace. It's the "Leader of the Free World," but that's not even within the scope of what we've just decided is the real purpose of our existence, and wonder why everyone's choosing opioids and "weed," instead? Either we can, or we can't, because we really are, or we aren't. I'm waiting. And so is every other country that likely has descendants who are now "Americans," over here.
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