...and the aftermath of everyone losing their actual houses is just a part of that.
I'm talking about all of the people younger than me on multiple drugs & food stamps with college debt up to their eyeballs (if they're lucky) shacking up with one another strictly as a matter of survival, all of which adds high-level and needless stress & "drama" to more workplaces than I can count, as well as people my age & older who have no idea how they ended up needing a "home" when they've made all the right decisions & have never done anything wrong to end up there.
Share your good ideas as you go. Like the ABC/Disney Studios interview I talked myself out of while I was there in 2006 but potentially was a or the reason that they added Medical & Dental benefits to the talent program at hand a year or two later, when I was thrown out into the cold by my adoptive family for the nth time in 2012--but this time with literally no place to go or any sign of income or teaching sites in sight--I had to think fast & use all of the wisdom & experience I had under me to figure out the best course of action.
As many of you know, I made my work understanding the current "housing" layout of the entire area, from every shelter in town, what its culture was, if it was gender-specific & why to rentals, "corporate" housing, roommates, house shares, subsidized housing (how both the City & County program worked--& how YEARS LONG the line already was!!!), who the landlords were, what their background was, how buying a condo/house here worked, etc.etc.etc., including 3rd-party holders of such information, such as the Housing Department for The City Of Dubuque, the Greater Dubuque Development Corporation, & every website & newspaper who held relevant information.
Clearly, I was a special case. I was a Spiritual Teacher without a "church" or "people," yet, so to speak--or with scattered & in-difficult-situations-themselves people or with people, when push came to shove--and it had--really just didn't want to do anything to help. Let's be honest. I started moving on inspiration based on my "urban monk"-ness & made contact with just about every monastery, convent, and retreat center in town, regardless of spiritual tradition, & received everything from scathing reception from the religion of my upbringing (It is always fun being somewhat undercover) to, "What are you asking?!" to "We'll pray for you!!!"
I was clear I needed a "sacred space" from which to live, practice asana & meditate, & to try to find & then go back & forth from, as home, wherever I earned $$$, preferably doing my Work. Period.
At times, I could tell certain demographics were inhibitors to being "in," although I will say that one of the best conversations I had was with the guy who was running one of the Catholic MEN'S Shelters downtown the night I called, & I honestly felt he considered whether I might be able to stay there without issue, despite my gender. I smiled & let the idea fall away, but he encouraged me to come down & meet all of them & maybe just hang out in social time sometime. I never did that. The journey took me elsewhere, but I didn't feel anything but purity about the interaction.
Something I was telling EVERYBODY, though, as I went was not just my story & what I was looking to do but potential solutions to the housing problem & lack of places for both post-Recession Dubuquers & those who were without before!--namely all the well-off empty nesters to think about renting or simply GETTING ON BOARD & helping people out as their intuition struck them, including their own family members (I must note that I have run into former classmates & other people who, for instance, literally went to live at a homeless shelter in Chicago or wherever they were living, rather than A.) come back to Dubuque &/or B.) have anything to do with their own families, especially in that level of closeness)!!! This assumed, though, that A.) people of that demographic even cared about anyone but themselves, B.) they were equipped to help, & I don't just mean financially, & C.) that they were as in tune with Spirit and their own intuition to keep any kind of balance or harmony & mutual honor & respect in the house--not fear, not thinking, not prejudice or jumping ahead of things or violence, God forbid--as they needed to be.
That's a lot of potential training, including Intercultural Competency Leadership Training, but perhaps this is why this is all happening. *Animated Image Of Earth Smiling*
And by the way, when I took off across the country after writing my book in 2003, I had spoken a lot about this already. I mean, what I saw coming in this country, impacting all industries and people, was simple cause & effect. Other people called it "high channeling" & prophecy, since, apparently, it was being corroborated with a number of prophecies across spiritual and other traditions, including many Christian denominations, but to me, it was pretty obvious what we were going to get if we kept putting certain pennies in the sucky gumball machine.
Here we are (For those who care about more than just the reality of their own huge, myopic ego). And, interestingly, running along the same lines as the Baby Boomer empty nester guest room/one of their kids' rooms (assuming it's also all right with said kid, no matter how old they are!), is something that was finding me EVERYWHERE I went after I left on that cross-country journey, at that time, which is communal living. People, information--past, present, & future. Experiences. How important it could potentially be. How clear that was to peoples, for instance, from Asia, Africa, villages in Europe, or in tune with Native American traditions & truth, already. I mean, doesn't dealing with the karma of humanity seem perfectly on point when the generation that spawned ideas such as communes & "Free Love" & not selling out to "The Man" & the Civil Rights Movement come back to EXACTLY that generation to see if they've REALLY kept their part of the bargain up with God in terms of serving their generational purpose?
Or are they literally running around in now-bigoted & wretched little circles poo-poo'ing on their own children as the results of their collective scandals, corruption, sins, & decisions have put the Earth & their kids' context in jeopardy & literally going to pot? Talk about letting the dark side of what they stood for be the only thing left standing (& attempting a bold takeover).
So to those who just received the REAL E-Update where I mentioned the cool guy (Tip: Last name begins with "Mc") in Intercultural Competency Leadership Training who approached me on a break about really liking the things I was saying & sharing some insight that I might find valuable about Dubuqueland's history, as another native Dubuquer, he's on the front page of the Telegraph Herald today, so I'll reveal his identity!--Mike McFarland--someone also ahead of the game, who was doing "Angel Rooms" for people needing a safe place to land, years ago.
For those who saw my caption that was briefly on the website in the Zakh Ward & I 4th of July photo booth series of images that was out there for a while about "I Invented The Selfie, & Now It Has A Stupid Name," the instance came to me the other day:
I'm in, like, 7th grade, & my friend, Nicole, who has the best parties because her mom is known as the creative engine behind it & does it big, has this party--There may have even been cute boys there, at this point, who I think came & "crashed" the party in a seemingly disruptive but pleasant surprise!--& I'm sitting alone, after having shot some images of what was going on with 1 of the multiple Polaraids & normal cameras (not phones) present, on a picnic table when it occurs to me to turn the camera around & see if I can accurately frame my own head & shoot myself.
Everyone's like, "Oh my GODDD--What are you DOING?!!!" But since I was known to have clothes everybody liked & to the best dancer, without caring if I was the best dancer, people were kind of 1/2 chiding me, 1/2 kind of jealous they didn't think of it first, if it ended up being cool. I just shrugged, & it turned out, & I remember looking at myself, not how people saw me but how, essentially, I was seeing me. And, for one of the first times, I was like, "Hmm. I'm really pretty." I did that off & on--later with a best friend or my boyfriend--until--What?!--2 decades later it's all of a sudden SOMETHING?!
So, I'll simply say that I started looking at myself, as a person, & trying to find the truth there, & evolving myself consciously in the direction of Universal Wisdom & Source God probably a handful of years after that initial "selfie" experience, so...WHERE IS EVERYBODY ELSE IN FOLLOWING SUIT?!!
Who's really running this show, anyway?