Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The New BBB

I have had some really bad run-ins, I'll say since 2002, from all aspects of the "real world"--escalating to unfathomable heights within the past few years.

I have called upon major newspapers, local law enforcement, "corporate" heads, the Health Dept., the Better Business Bureau, politicians, their assistants,, etc. etc. etc., following all of the proper channels, escalating as necessary, to report things such as spiritual, racial discrimination, bullying, sexual harrassment, wrongful termination, racial profiling, fraud, shady selling techniques, a failure to stand behind their product(s) or service(s), amongst others (crimes, that is), & I have to tell you that from the Heartland (Dubuque, Kansas City)(, now Phoenix) to L.A., no one's answered the call. Literally. No one's doing their job, but they're also keeping me from having one.

Well, having won the battles I've chosen to engage in, to prove a point about principle in said systems, in regard to corruption in traffic court, the Unemployment system, other "yoga studios," & my "career"--whatever that is for a true yogi or 4 me, at this pt.--& also in my personal relationships, there is still a need to expose these people 4 the same reason the Better Business Bureau used to--which is to protect conscious people from falling into the wrong hands--because now this stuff's in their track record, & nobody wants to relay that data to U.

It seems if you come to call too much, they think U'r the issue. What if the person is actually, & unfortunately, 100% right and accurate every time?

So, in an attempt to give people what they really need--the truth, the whole truth, & nothing but the truth, so help us God--from certain people appearing good-natured but quite opposite behind your back, the way they spread lies or warnings or "no's" about me because they can't answer to the excellence I'm holding, or because they have been a stagnant, cheating, energy & idea stealing, if not stealing altogether, needs-to-be-ended business or entity overrun by a lack of spirituality, virtue, &/or their own mission or values for way too long, I'm more than happy to provide a list--like PETA--of "boycott, do not work 4, & do not support with anything positive" the places that have literally slammed the door in the face of a complete person erring on the side of goodness, merit, & the rules all of us played by--or were supposed to--growing up, in school, in sports (at least in this country) or whatever meant possibility & achievement of becoming "the best" to you.

The list will include both employers & for-profit & non-profit companies, orgs, & notable people who don't take kindly to me, this Movement, or those on a spiritual path being allowed to live, in general--at least not where they're at!

As always, no hostility. My vote's been cast. They should close their doors, from top down, all their employees forced to live in cardboard boxes 4 a set period of time, preferably on a piece of land not really desired by anybody & not part of the United States. But if U'd like to help them, integrate their energy into your daily life, &/or keep throwing your money at them, as though these things don't coalesce into bigger problems such as scandals, lawsuits, people getting hurt (on purpose & not), etc., do I really need to get a bucket of popcorn & sit in lotus position on a park bench & watch? More?

And if U'r also one of the people in this country who allows this kind of s**t to go on without standing up to it or 4 what's true, U might as well join them. In the cardboard boxes, that is.

I mean, my 1st thought when some random fitness person on 'roids (Yes, it was a girl, yes, it was a retired, former policeman & his scary-looking daughter or sex kitten. I couldn't tell) threatens me in any way while I'm practicing asana or some whacked out geek who ranks at about, oh, 4, maybe 3, in his personal life in every category, won't employ me because he knows I can see the drugs he just did last night but won't hurriedly send my Resume up the ladder, either, cuz, no matter how many places I've walked from or how much crap life has thrown at me to see what I'd do with it, his 1st thought, because of THEIR situation, not mine, was that I was their savior walking through the door--my first thought is, for example, my potential students. I would never, EVER, in the name of all that is holy on Earth & beyond, think of bringing ANYONE into a place & open up the energy in that space for Source's work or healing that allows or o-kays the belittlement, harrassment, or destruction of a holy person or holy activity. I don't care if it's practice or what. And when said moron--My bad if he's your Dad--is like that, I want him put behind bars. For murder. Of a holy person. Through neglect. And abandonment. Because he's the 100th one in a row. And I still haven't killed any of them yet. I just don't have that kind of heart. To do what is done to me every single day.

Good luck feeling good after running their food, their consciousness through your system.

As opposed to helping me.

And instant karma to all of U.

"Whatsoever U do to the least of my people, that U do unto me" said 16 years of Catholic school. So my question is, what about when they do to someone who's not the least, &, in fact, one of the leaders?

But I'm not holy, either, because I'm American. Even though I was brought here thru international, interracial adoption, and against my own will (My tiny little body kept rejecting your food when I first got here, until I "learned to like it"). U do not recognize me as enlightened because I don't fit your stereotype--comparing current master to old with a neurotic, eagle's eye, due to your own hatred, lack of faith, & invasion of another being's person--even though I saw your soul bound to me, faster than the speed of light, almost like a large dog with its eyes wide & its heart rate high. U do not recognize me because U do not know the history of the races or their spirituality. U make mice out of yourselves, rather than living masters yourselves, because U compare apples to oranges of Buddha to Jesus Christ when, to be revealing, God now makes ascended superstars with the depth of humanity in their eyes who come with all the tools, bells, & whistles &--get out of the way--can choose to be with U however they want cuz there's nothing they do that wouldn't be spewing all of those transmissions.

And when U want them to act like the least part of your person & clean your toilet because U'r half the importance, as a soul, as their pinky toenail, U think that is going to work out?

Feel free to receive the list 4 your perusal.
Be courageous. Be bold. Be unified within yourself by brilliantly just being you.

Effective immediately: May 5.11-U can add Officer C.Jones from the City of Phoenix Police Department & the "Honorable" Judge Wendy ? from the city's Municipal Traffic Court after having him bully me about where I was sitting be4 she came in, watching him control her energy during the proceedings (Gotta love being clairvoyant!), & then having her turn the subtle nuances of real, human truth into a(n outdated?) law book of reasons why corruption & a lack of compassion "win" when a 125 becomes a "motorcycle." When I told Patricia, the GM at Del Taco (still wondering why she wouldn't fight 4 my 2nd wrongful termination in Phoenix by bringing me to her store, like she has the 10 DOZEN other refugees from the store up in Anthem), afterwards I was told I was going 60 on my scooter, she laughed, "Does it even go up that high?" Yea, & after turning right coming off a full stop? Highly unlikely.

There's nothing honorable about corruption, much less corrupt judgment, so this Movement will be moving on. From the law. And thinking anything special about them. Unless they EARN it. It's no longer a given.

Then the lady downstairs at the Courthouse, & her boss, say when I tell them I have no money to pay the citations, so I'll take Community Service, like the judge opted 4 me to do in detail. And the lady goes, "U have to be eligible...R U even TRYING (to find a job)?" I must've given her a reason to start shifting in her chair, "What did you just say?" The man came out of his office behind her sensing escalating tension. He denied she'd said anything rude, "Yea, I was right here. And she didn't say anything--" "Right here?! Behind that wall--How would U know--U aren't sitting where I am." "I heard her, & she didn't say anything like that."

The corruption/incompetence continues.

I'd mentioned when I sat down, "U can ask the Unemployment Agency in CA--I've been fighting corruption there, too (too meaning about what happened in the courtroom)."

For those of U really following this, U will be glad to know she looked like she finally got it when I stood up & said, "I've been in your FINE STATE since LAST JULY & haven't stabilized income since, & I graduated from the top of my class from a private institution!"


I'm disgusted by the people here & the devolving faces of chimps who still have jobs. I want some dolphins behind the counters. At least they'd be fun to play with.

So no, everyone who's suggested I be an attorney, over the course of my life. I think today just helped me seal my fate about who gets me, & who will never, due to displayed what-you-got alone.

And what they got will give them cancer, if they don't melt first.

P.S. If U e-mail, I'll tell you all that I know, however, &, as always, I will be 110% honest, but I won't be spending more time on these people than they're worth. Life is a battlefield, & like the Elvish princess in "Lord of The Rings," the way she does the Ringwraiths that follow her on her horse when she's trying to save Frodo Baggins, after she's crossed the river, I deal with things. The Amy Jin way. And sometimes--most times, actually--I can't be accountable 4 the sky falling down on people. It's like Genghis Khan. I like to call it "Destiny."

Thank U, Source.

P.P.S. The one I almost had an unconventional love ceremony with (somewhat like a "marriage") claims I am actually Frodo Baggins.

P.P.P.S. The above situation can be put in perspective when U consider I was racially profiled & harrassed (mentally, psychically, & physically) by one of a number of unmarked, dark cars, camped out on the Frontage Road going up to the apt. community where I live while on a break/walk from job searching all morning, the day after the Tucson shooting. I never did get Sheriff Armindaree's boss to call me back, after several calls to both the City of Pheonix Personnel Dept. & then the Maricopa County Sheriff's Department, after I got his name to report him. Maybe it's because, when I scraped together the $2 (No, they absolutely could not comp me a paper by only having a credit card, not cash) to buy the AZ Republic's big job section (that basically implied the world was coming to an end & contained no jobs at all for the capitol of an entire state), I took the time to sit back & enjoy reading the ENTIRE thing, & I find out that the Sheriff's Dept.'s been under investigation for a long time for abuse of power, etc.--scandal-wracked with all sorts of delicious things--so badly, in fact, that the state escalated it to a federal level cuz they couldn't handle it.

The girl at my apartment blurted out that maybe they picked on me cuz I was HOT! Make me climb over a cement wall to "get off the road!," scale down a cliff with my Starbucks cup (Just a brew), tell me to walk down in the desert cuz there's a path down there & take off! when I climb back up, running after their car, when I realize there isn't one?

No $ for an attorney means taking my collection of crimes-done-to-me to the EEOC since Legal Aid doesn't handle discrimination. That means sitting around all day, paying for parking with the magical money I don't have, & then possibly not getting helped because that's the way it is there! Ever heard of SCHEDULING?! Or, somehow get an attorney, & sit, like a clear, crystalline Angel in the courtroom telling nothing but the truth, & have everyone around me lie & then judge in each other's favor becuz they have more in common?

Arizona Republic reads: "Irony: Buddha-Like Power Yoga Teacher Collapses From Stress and a Broken Heart Outside City of Phoenix Municipal Courthouse and Cannot Be Brought Back To Life."

I'd rather teach.

Anyone ready to help build a shala yet?

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