Saturday, February 20, 2016
Dubuque, "The Most Racist City/County In The Country," County Courthouse Case #SCSC076744: Globally Broadcast This.
In reference to my writing (See 1.19.2014 in the Archives), make sure you know that Attorneys from border-to-border in the state of Iowa, the Courthouse itself (clerks, magistrates, judges), the City Attorney's Office, local law enforcement, the Housing Department, representation from the City Council, the Human Rights Department, the most visible/involved Civil Rights organizers in the city, the Iowa Civil Rights Commission (which, to their credit, doesn't have jurisdiction over the courts, unfortunately, I found out), the Governor's office, Iowa Legal Aid/the Volunteer Lawyers' Project, the National Lawyers' Guild in Iowa, Kansas, and Missouri, I believe (all got copied), Attorneys here in Kansas City--doesn't matter which state, the head of the Kansas Bar, Kansas Legal Services...all...sit...and watch as these people continue to prey on me. The Justice Department never returned my call, likely because they were still tied up with holding Dubuque accountable for stacking all the cards against certain "types" of people, keeping them from living there, or making their lives a living hell, as they have mine. It just goes to show that you can be their minority-on-a-pedastal and experience a Neo-Nazi, concentration-camp-experiment state of existence when, in typical Iowa-style, they've got the whole homogenous ball of wax up there on telepathic, urgent telegram reception about you as a truth-bringing tsunami, threatening their backwards way of life, and you start to realize that even grown superiority in every other category doesn't matter to them when you leave their religion and lose all taste for their men and bigoted, hideous cultural mores. Somebody get them to give me my Appeal, instead of saying, "No one is going to help you in these situations. No one," and coming after me, in crisis and poverty and refugee-status they've created, CHARGING ME FOR IT, ANYWAY, retaliating against me by allowing the stealing of my money and personal belongings in a fraudulent contractual situation (lease as a tenant), blaming me for an act of God, everyone running from showing up to testify, including the Housing Department, since I didn't have money to subpoena EVERYONE--as my family's spreading evil s**t about me, everyone else is on drugs or divorce-due-to-infidelity, no one else will hire me due to the intimidation factor, and as my hub for teaching--about the only place to allow for independent voices--the Dubuque Community YM/YMCA is "squeeze-playing" me out to keep from paying me what even an average Teacher would be worth in that area, afraid as crap because I'M TOO POPULAR. I'D ASKED BOB MUELLER & JULIE LOTT TO TAKE THE DAMNED, FILTHY BASEBOARD HEATERS OUT, WHEN I WAS TOLD BEFORE SIGNING THEY DIDN'T WORK, BUT THEY REFUSED. Just to be clear, as I have written before, this is called "declaring war," and yet, they act as if Strength will not rise up to meet them. They will, in fact, call you "dangerous," even if you're completely non-violent and don't believe in weapons, much less realms more lifted than they are. And that's because the power of your Mind is more than enough. Your ability to see them and their ruling the world behind principles of Freedom that have become a painted cardboard backdrop, rather than a living, breathing experience, giving them license to continue to sin against God, have them rabid. So keep REPRESENTING. And I mean against anyone working on behalf of this Godlessness--Betrayers of many colors, you are officially tossed to the side. The thing is, overtakings always happen either by murderous force, as this country and other "empires" did, or thru those with God go-ahead somehow capturing the castle--thru the noblest means. It's that time. Keep in mind, however, that if you can't do what the majority demographic has still failed/all out refused to do, getting in the way of the Rapture, you'll be swiftly removed by Godhead, too. It's just the way omnipotence and omniscience works. Nobody wants another experience like the one we're in right now, except coming from equal, or even worse, incompetence but in some variety of earth tone. Other than a few Attorneys/officials, mostly in Des Moines--and "everyday people" here--& only after I fled the state--again--and probably years after I should've--offering deep, sincere apologies, testifying to my "clarity of mind" about everything, the rest are saying the only thing they could see their helping me with is filing personal Bankruptcy--and maybe without pro bono help. If that happens, here's what needs to happen. This place needs to come down, 100%, and needs to be started all over again from scratch. The land should be given back to the Native Americans. And I'm gonna be, hopefully, wherever I need to be, which may include back over in Asia, trying to figure out why South Koreans hate their own people.
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